

Where has the time gone?  I seem to be  running low of it lately - to much work.  

Stuff that has been occurring:  
  • Snow has gone and there is daffodils everywhere.  
  • Found a cool Swedish shirt in a charity shop here in Oxford!  
  • Finished another hat in some awesome Norwegian wool.

Norway is also the place where my book is being launched next. At the end of February all people of the Norwegian persuasion can go into a bookshop and find my book on the shelf. Exciting.      


Ananas said...

Härliga bilder! Mössan ser riktigt trevlig ut :)

Michelle said...

Cute hat, I wish I could follow a pattern!

Birger said...

I'm gonna go buy your book when I find it in the stores! I became so happy when I saw that your book would be published in Norwegian. Kjempebra!
May I ask which Norwegian wool you used for that hat?
And if you like, you can check out my blog: http://strikk2sam.blogspot.no/

Mansie said...

Congratulations on the upcoming publication of your book in Norway!
I'm busy with making your "kolbak", but also too little free time...hopefully he will be ready for next winter.
Funny, in my home there are also daffodils to find, for already celebrating the coming spring :-))
Greetings from a clouwdy and cold, but dry Netherlands,
Harry (of 'Mansie')

Theo said...

Tack Anna! Mössan är riktigt trevlig och varm!

Michelle it easy-piecy and if a dunce like me can do it then you can.

Birger what a nice thing to say and of course I will stop by your blog. I'm quite bad at keeping track with brand names I'm afraid, so I have forgot what the brand of wool that was...sorry :(

Mansie, thank you for your congratulations. I'm glad that you are working on the bear-hat. Let me know when you have finished - I would love to see it! I hope that the weather is still nice in the Netherlands.