
Treasure hunt

I went thrift store/ treasure hunting yesterday. Haven't been out for a long time and I think I overdid it a little bit, but look at all the thriftiness! Another cheesboard from the Picknick series by Marianne Westman - what's the chances of that happening twice

Wool, bag, books, scales, plates, saucers, pirate jug, and a knitting album - have been looking forever for one of these as my old patterns are anywhere and everywhere. All in all: a good hunt. 


Pascale said...

Wouah, magnifique !

Makeminemidcentury said...

I actually think I need to marry you.

Neasa said...

What a haul... well done old chap! i never find that much good stuff these days!!!

Neasa said...

'I actually think I need to marry you.'

Makemineamidcentury - He is taken! Ha ha!!! : ))

bibi said...

Wow! great treasure!
Love the green of the skein ;)

Theo said...

Gosh! Makemine and Neasa you make me laugh and blush at the same time. :)

Thank you all for the positive comments.

Christelle as you can see from the bag and the skein - green i one of my favorite colours.

ameskeria said...

wow! well done! I love the plates, and I want to see what's in that knitting album!

Theo said...

The knitting album was empty - but I will fill it with the patterns that I got and show you later.

Christine Clemmensen said...

Oh my!!! Love that cheese board! Wonderful treasures :-)