Mixed bag of pictures from Sweden when I was visiting last. My mother is having a well deserved rest reading one of my grand-mothers old magazines from the 1960s.
On these pages you will find the slightly strange but marvellous world of Theo.
Freelance writer, photographer, designer by day and hardcore crafter by night.
Theo, hej. Tusen tack för den otroligt snygga plånboken! Och vad kul att hitta hit. Gillar vad jag ser här, inte minst den här bilden.
Blogginlägg om dig, plånboken kommer upp!
Hej finaste brorsan! Vilka fina bilder du har lagt upp. Ekorrarna var superfina! Puss/ Lowa
Wonderful photos! I can almost feel the weather and smell the trees.
Love your mum's style. (hello as well)
(hee... the word verification for posting this comment is 'fulaphoo') is it just me or is that a really cute word?
Alexandra my mother read your comment and loved that someone appreciate here style! We were moving house at the time and it was incredibly warm.
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