

That is where my head seems to be most of the time. In the clouds. At the moment I'm dreaming up another book but there are other things I need to do first. I need to dream up a talk....

I am flying over to Sweden at the beginning of September to speak at the NORDIC MUSEUM KNIT CAFE in Stockholm. I will probably bore the audience silly talking about manliness and why knitting and crocheting is predominantly seen as a feminine craft. Hopefully I will be able to use some examples from the Nordic Museeum's collection. You can check out their FLICKR PAGE if you want to find out more about them. 

If you are in Stockholm on 5 September the then drop by. The event is free so bring your knitting or crocheting with you - I wanna see it!   


Tiger said...

Vad roligt! Vi ses då!

Makeminemidcentury said...

Use a really deep voice and flex your muscles now and again.

Theo said...

Tiger det skulle vara jätte kul om du kom, så får man träffas i person. :)

Makemine! I was starting to wonder where you had gone to? I will def try to flex my muscles as much as I can. Maybe I should show off my sheep shearing skills....that is really manly right? :)