

These pictures didn't make it into the book but I love them. The ankle socks are for the sportier guy, who, like me isn't afraid to dance with themselves. ---> Dancing With Myself


Makeminemidcentury said...

Those socks rock!

bibi said...

Yeah! I'm dancing with U :)))

Theo said...

They totally rock Makemine, quite literally.

Good Christelle, the more the merrier!

ameskeria said...


Annika said...

Vilken finfin bok du gjort! Såg den igår på Akademibokhandeln i Stockholm. Hälsningar från en annan virkboksförfattare :)

Theo said...

Tack Annika. Jag ska genast springa ner själv och kolla om jag kan se den. :)

dane said...

je découvre ton blog qui est super!! bravo pour tes réalisations c' est génial!! tu fais de jolies choses !! je vais te mettre dans ma listes de blog a visiter a bientôt biz

Theo said...

Hi Dane
Thanks for your kind words. My French is not what it used to be but I do remember what génial means - merci!