
Can you guess what I am making?

Can you guess what I am making? Have been working on it for the last week. Had to unravel it a couple of times because it wasn't tight enough on the top. Will show more pics when I am finally done with them.

Hope you all have had a sunny day with crafty things to do. Note to self fix hole in shorts.


Jessica said...

A hip flask cover, possibly? Presuming it's vodka in that adorable birdie glass Theo. x

Theo said...

Would be good if it was - vodka I mean. I will sound like a right geek but it was elderflower cordial - it just remind me of summer holidays. Go fish with the flask cover suggestion but it is a very good idea. Note to self - crochet a flask cover.

Makeminemidcentury said...

A butterfly catcher?

An elfin beanie?

A cowboy?

bibi said...

A bathing suit ??

And cheers ;)

Theo said...

I am being given lots of ideas of things to crochet - great. A cowboy will be on my list Makemine, but it is not it.

Christelle! You were right a bathing suit/shorts. I will use them more as a "sunsuit", if the sun ever comes out again.

bibi said...

So proud I found what you're making :)