

Have learnt that you can find pretty much anything in secondhand and charity shops here in the UK. This week's shopping includes lots of Swedish memorabilia - Marianne Westman cheese platter Picknick, a bowl from Rorstrand called Silja and a wooden Dalahäst.


Makeminemidcentury said...

You know I am quite jealous of your finds and your Swedish heritage ...

That is a wonderful score re the Marianne Westman platter ... you know reproductions of her work are selling now on birch/melamine trays etc in England for ten times that amount?

I considered buying some, but getting them sent to Australia would mean I'd have to sell a child.

I love your finds. You have lovely taste!

Theo said...

That is kind of you. I have seen the trays by Almedahls, so I am glad I found the genuine thing.

Have you had a look at their website. They do fabric with the same design - Picknick. It may only cost you half a child to get that!

Hemskapat said...

Really Nice Blogg, I like//Agneta