

Kew Garden in London is huge! I had no idea. Me and Katarina - my Swedish connection in London - spent the whole day there and we still didn't see all of it. 

There was an awesome exhibition on by the sculptor David Nash

Autumn rocks - all the different shaped leaves and all the colours.


Makeminemidcentury said...

The plant with the parrot looks like an Australian native. I never knew how beautiful plants were until I was living in London (circa 1995 before you were born probably) and I went to Kew Gardens and came across a Eucalyptus tree. It was the first time I hugged a tree because it smelled and looked like home. I'll never forget that moment.

Do certain plants remind you of Sweden?

Theo said...

Gosh how young do you think I am? Brilliant!

No I was very much around in 1995 and sported the hippy long hair like most boys did back then.

Isa said...

beautiful pictures!!!
estás rodeado de belleza.. felicidades y disfrutalo!

Theo said...

Thanks Isa, I do try to surround myself with beauty... :)