
T-shirt doily

Been crocheting a doily out of an old t-shirt this very rainy bank holiday monday. I guess I can use it as a trivet when I am done with it.


Séverine said...

I like the smooth result, and that's very regular :)

Theo said...

What can I say, I am quite a regular guy. :)

Jessica said...

I've never seen anyone crochet so neatly from scraps. Grattis!

p.s. Your succulent is lovely. x

bibi said...

Lovely result :)
I would like to test this kind of crocheting for making a little carpet but it's not so easily to do it with a big crochet.

S. said...


regular and tightly crochet, for me the two keys for good looking and lasting results :)

Theo said...

Tack Jessica. I am also pleased with my succulent succulent. Babies keep popping up and I am not sure what to do with them - replant them or let them be?

Christelle it is quick to crochet with a big hook but it does require you have got strong hands. I was thinking that it would become a little mat in the beginning but have run out of t-shirt so a trivet it is. :l

Séverine as always I agree with you. :)

Pascale said...

The idea is so cute... (the parallel with the plant !)

ameskeria said...

this is a great idea to reuse and old t-shirt, Theo! I think I'm going to try ity!

Theo said...

Pascale glad that you highlighted the relevance of the succulent. Your mind works like mine.

Ameskeria I think you can buy t-shirt material wool in the shops but it is a lot cheaper to just cut up an old one. This was my former gym t-shirt. Yes, I did wash it before I cut it up. :)

alessandra said...

Neat and clever, I'm sure these adjectives suit you as well!

Presley said...

I make em too... and use the as potholders to have under pots


It is soo cool.

Theo said...

Thanks Presley.

I do dig your snowflakes as well!

Nice to have found to your blog.