

For this retro mat I drew inspiration from one of my grandmother's potholders. Love that it has a 60s-vibe going about it. I'm all geared up to make more in lots of different colours.

I got a comment recently asking what yarn I use for apparel versus houseware items. And I guess I stick to "posher" yarns when it comes to items of clothing than I do for things for around the house. I'm a sucker for soft yarns like alpaca but the yarn I used for this mat is a cheaper craft cotton that I found in this newly opened wool shop in Oxford - Fibreworks.

It's funny how crochet is a seasonal thing as well. Most of the summer I crochet with cotton and during the winter it is all about the alpaca. :)


Theo said...

Thanks VintageVesta and Annas for the nice comments.

To answer your question, I didn't follow a pattern but a potholder that my grandmother had crocheted some time ago and just expanded on it. :)

aliciasivert.se said...

Wow wow wow så vackert och inspirerande! Jag har virkat ett par badrumsmattor med trasor från gamla t-shirtar, på mest basalt simpla nivå, men himmel vad jag blev pepp att ge mig på ett lite mer detaljerat projekt nu. Tack!

Theo said...

Vad kul att du tycker om mattan Alicia Sivert och att du känner dig inspirerad att göra något liknande själv. Har gjort några till sedan dess och jag ska lägga upp beskrivningen snart.

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Good job. Best Embroidery Digitizing Service Great.