

I have just spent a week in Sweden were I visited a small town called Norberg. It's an old mining town from the 15th century with lots of pretty Scandinavian red wooden houses. I'm lucky to have parents who own a summer house out in the middle of Sweden as it makes for a great break from life in Oxford. 

While there I started on one of my most stereotypical crochet projects - a granny square blanket for a friend's baby. It's nice to get into the swing of crocheting again as I have been too busy writing my second book to make things with wool. 


Karin said...

Ny bok, spännande! När kommer den är det tänkt?

Mansie said...

Looks very nice, always good to take a break. Succes with your new book!

Theo said...

Tjena Karin boken kommer vara ute nästa år...beroende på fir tid. :)

Thanks Mansie. Yes it great to have a break and I'm now off for another one. I hope that you are enjoying your summer!

Mansie said...

Sorry, just now reading your comment. Summer was nice here in Holland. In four weeks having a holiday on the island Schiermonnikoog in the Waddensea, enjoying Autumn. Looking forward to that!

James Bailey said...

Great job.