

Found these charming ladies in a charity shop a couple of months back. Now that the sun has finally come out they are ready to show off their beach bodies. 

Hope the sun is shining wherever you are and that you at least have one cocktail. It is Friday, after all.


Bungalowgirl said...

Very cool- they look like they are just ready to dive in. meld

Theo said...

Gosh! I hope not. What if people start choking on them?

Oh well if you have to go maybe it is the best way to go - choking on a beautiful lady.

Mendruga said...

Oooooooh! Fantastic girl. I wanna be a girl like that :) HAHAHAHAHAHA!

ameskeria said...

Very cool ladies indeed!
It's sunny in Barcelona, let's drink mojitos, let's celebrate it's friday! :)
happy weekend Theo!

Isa said...

Beautiful girls! I love it
I have a present for you in my blog

I hope you like this kiss Theo!

Pascale said...

I had these when i was a kid... so funny...

Anonymous said...

I’m waiting to receive mine from a recent purchase