

Today I'm one of the many millions of people that is flying home for Christmas. Overladen with presents and treats I will jump over the stream between Oxford and Stockholm for some Scandinavian holiday celebration. I don't want much in the way of presents this year but some snow would be nice. 

Bon voyage to all of you that is traveling and Merry Xmas!


ameskeria said...

Merry Xmas, Theo!
Have a good time with your family and take a lot of pictures of the beautiful Sweden!

bibi said...

Merry Christmas to you too Theo ;)

bibi said...

fffff....pourquoi ne l'ai-je pas écrit en français, n'est-ce pas ?
Et profite bien de tes vacances, de ta famille et de la neige :)

It was such a pitty that so many people ate all the yummy sweets!

alessandra said...

Buon Natale Theo we are flying too.
Hope you get some snow. ciao alessandra

Séverine said...

Bon voyage et bon Noël Theo ! :)