

I was running around London this monday with my friend Iain. He was kind to model one of the hats that is going into the book. 

My book Virkat för män (Crochet for men) was mentioned on the Swedish bookseller magazine as an "unusual" title to look out for this spring. Unusual is just another way of saying odd.  


Tiger said...

Så himla fint med en bok! Jag hade helt missat det!

bibi said...

The important thing is to speak about your book ;)
But it's sad to see that nothing changes........

Theo said...

Tiger: - Javisst blir det en bok. Jag ska se till att du får tag på ett ex när den kommer ut så kan du börja virka din egen dödskalle.

Christelle: I will def talk about it until my tongue drops out. Hopefully people will notice...The book. Not that my tongue has dropped out. :)